True Blood's Pam Wiki
True Blood's Pam Wiki
Eric release's Pam
Eric Release Pam Sad
Eric must release his progeny Pam
Episode: "We'll Meet Again"

"You were born into Greatness"
―Eric to Pam

Eric Northman realizes it's time to release his progeny Pam.

About the Moment[]

Pam wakes up in her coffin and Eric comes downstairs to the basement to talk. At first Pam stands and listen's to Eric before joining him, sitting on the stairs. Eric explains that he is basically on a suicide mission with Russell Edgington. He knows he cannot drag Pam along if he must face treason charges or even The True Death. Pam even asks about his friend in the Authority, but Eric tells her she is a dead end. Pam says that she wants to fight beside him but he denies her and says that he has to release her. He says that that what she said earlier in a spat was correct. Eric said that it is not because he doesn't trust her but because she is his only progeny and he needs her to live after he dies. Pam must secure his legacy, and that of Godric's. Pam begins to cry but understands and accepts. They stand together and face one another. Pam tells a hesitate Eric to say the words. He releases her from their blood bond. Pam begins to cry and hugs Eric. Eric says that she is still his child and that she was born into greatness. He reminds Pam that she is also now a maker, with the same blood. Pam begins to understand the measure of Tara. Eric kisses Pam's forehead and holds her as they cry.

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